Delta Series Exam Booths
Delta exam booths are triangular in design, and can fit into the corner of even
the smallest office, while still achieving dependable acoustical performance.
Delta booths furnish ample room for both patient and sound field equipment
while retaining the efficient work space required in today’s medical complexes.
Multi-Configurable (MC) Exam Booths
Maintained in inventory for responsive delivery, the MC series audiometric test
booths are made of interchangeable panels to allow on-site configuration and
layout flexibility. The booths can be dismantled, relocated, and rearranged as
different needs arise. Doors can be configured to swing in or out. Ventilation
silencer can be mounted on either roof or wall depending on space constraints.
Single and Double Wall Exam Booths
The RE-140 series single wall and the RE-240 series double wall exam booths
are offered in several standard sizes. Custom sizes can be manufactured for
environments with special space requirements. A number of options are
available to further customize your booth.
Single and Double Wall Exam Suites
Single wall control/ single wall exam, and single wall control/ double wall exam
suites ensure the highest level of acoustic control for sophisticated research and
impressive facility performance, and maximize isolation for both audiologist and
patient. Double wall control and double wall exam suites can also be provided,
when even higher levels of isolation are needed.